Our affiliate programs
Dear users! After registering with one of our services (c1k.world and c1k-fin.world), you will have a single account on both. If your Client has registered and placed orders on one resource, and then decided to place orders on the other one, he/she can use the same login and password for authorization. Such transactions will also be credited to you. The same applies to referral links.
If any questions arise, contact our company representative at Telegram
If any questions arise, contact our company representative at Telegram
Affiliate program
"Regular Affiliate"
This referral program is aimed at the following users:
- People that carry out operations on the c1k.world and c1k-fin.world websites.
Affiliate program
This referral program is aimed at the following users:
- Owners, administrators and development managers of monitoring institutions and exchange rate rating boards.
Affiliate program
This referral program is aimed at the following users:
- YouTube bloggers;
- Instagram bloggers and bloggers in other social networks;
- Owners and administrators of Telegram chats and channels;
- Owners of internet media companies;
- Owners of internet resources (websites, forums, platforms);
- Marketologists, targetologists, advertisers, CPA networks, other marketing specialists;
- Transport and cargo companies.
Affiliate program
"Influencer Manager"
Terms: a standard 10% “Regular Affiliate” package is offered to referrals (clients). An additional 40% profit may be offered to bloggers. Managers get credited with 5% to their personal account.
Attention! Dear potential partners, by registering for this affiliate program, you accept affiliate liability for providing correct information in accordance with the “About channels acting as your referrals” terms. As part of this affiliate program, the following restrictions have been implemented:
- You should not promote your advertising channels about the same project or with the same public figure.
- All channels participating in this program should correspond to different projects. If you have a personal project, you should have two affiliate accounts. You can use your personal account to act as a manager.
- The minimum number of active projects active in your manager affiliate program is three. The service administration reserves the right to request marketing material from you (e.g. links to videos) at any time in order to confirm the correct number of active advertising channels. If for any reason the number of active advertising channels will be less than 3, then your affiliate account may be deactivated or demoted to a different program, depending on the circumstances.